Enjoy the following article from the website www.livestrong.com. Leave me your comments on zumba or what you find is helping you with your exercise goals!!
Have a GREAT DAY!!!!
Zumba is a dance fitness method based on salsa and other Latin dance moves, performed to Latin and world music beats, and choreographed to allow people of any fitness or dance experience level to enjoy a fantastic workout. If you think you'd like an exhilarating class filled with good feelings and party-like fun, Zumba makes an excellent choice of a group fitness method to support your fitness goals.
Fat and Calorie Burning
At its core, Zumba classes are intended to provide a large calorie burn through aerobic activity done with interval training in mind. Depending on body weight, sex, fitness level and other common physical factors, the number of calories you burn in a typical Zumba class will equal that of any fast social dancing hour, such as salsa, disco or jitterbug. For most people, that can add up to 400 to 600 calories burned per hour. With the classes choreographed to provide intervals of intensity in both pace of music and type of movements, class members' energy expenditure is maximized for fat-burning benefits. Fitness moves are also incorporated within Zumba dances, so don't be surprised if you find yourself moving from a fast merengue beat to a long, slow set of push-ups on the wall, or doing several sets of squats followed by plyometric jumps.
Full Body Workout
Zumba is both a dance class and a fitness class. Aside from its heart-health benefits, Zumba provides a workout for the whole body. From head and shoulder rolls that loosen up the neck and warm up the upper body, to footwork that strengthens and stretches calves and ankles, this fitness method touches on nearly every muscle and joint. Even those who are just learning the dance steps will find themselves waking up the day after a Zumba class with a definitive post-workout feeling. Hips and abs receive particular attention in the Latin dance style, and as with many dance exercise classes, thighs and butts often end up being sore the day after class. Flexibility is not ignored in a Zumba class either, with warm-ups and cool-downs a regular part of Zumba programming.
Fun for Everyone
Zumba classes are winning over fitness enthusiasts from across the world as Zumba instructors are being certified to teach classes in record numbers. Owing to popular demand, gyms and studios worldwide are offering standard Zumba, Zumba Gold for senior citizens, Zumba for kids and even Aqua-Zumba done in swimming pools. Because Zumba is based on music and dance, it seems to speak a universal language that people of all nations can related to. There is no large learning curve in a Zumba class, either. New participants may receive small-scale steps rehearsals before some longer dances, but in most cases, first-timers can simply jump right into a class and follow along with the instructor. Zumba instructors are trained to explain little with words, and instead use their body and hand motions to indicate which steps will follow, to keep class plans flowing and easy-to-follow. Whoops and hollers are a regular occurrence while the dancers have legitimate fun dancing to infectious rhythms and specialty songs.
Zumba is a dance fitness method based on salsa and other Latin dance moves, performed to Latin and world music beats, and choreographed to allow people of any fitness or dance experience level to enjoy a fantastic workout. If you think you'd like an exhilarating class filled with good feelings and party-like fun, Zumba makes an excellent choice of a group fitness method to support your fitness goals.
Wednesday Blog Hop

Following you back. Love your blog!!
ReplyDeleteHave a Blessed Day!!
I'm a new follower from the blog hop. I'd love for you to visit my blog and follow back.
Hey there Laura,
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by my blog!! I love yours as well!! I am going to have to get motivated to work out now after reading your post!! I can't imagine how you do it with 4 kids!! Do tell!! Looking forward to being blog buds!! I'm a new follower!
Thanks for the follow. I am now following you too!
ReplyDeleteHave a great day!
I've never tried zumba. But, like you have almost everything else. I personally love Belly Dancing, yoga and pilates. Following you back!
Hi Laura!
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by the Over 40 Bloggers I added your blog to the list!!
Thanks for joining the party!
Hope you get lots of followers from it! Including me!! Please follow me back if you haven’t done so already!!
Be sure to come by every Thursday night for the Follow Friday 40 and Over Blog Hop!
Have a great day!!
hi there- I found you on the over 40 blog roll at never growing old. trying to build my over 40 followers. I'm a new follower and love your blog. Any suggestions on a zumba dvd? I'm too chicken to try it at my gym just yet... would love a follow back, happy friday..laura
Beautiful side panels...love the colors and design.
ReplyDelete.....stopping by from Never Growing Old Over Forty Bloggers.
Stop by my blog if you like....mine has books reviews and photos from Scotland.